Discover the benefits of STRUCTURE


Purpose: This training phase is designed to provide a progression into your Peak Fitness. You can look forward to body composition results, energy to live your best life and great muscle tone that will have you Summer Ready.

The Season consists of a 16 Week Training Phase, split in to 3 x 5 weeks Mesocycles, culminating in Finals Week. This includes:

  1. Hypertrophy Phase (weeks 1-5) – promotion of lean muscle growth and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). With an increase in muscle tone and the fat burning potential of HIIT you will be ready to attack the summer season. 

  2. Strong Phase (weeks 6-10) – Metabolic Conditioning and Pure Strength Training.  With an increase in muscle tone and the fat burning potential of HIIT you will be ready to attack the summer season.  It’s time to get fit and strong! Now that you have created a foundation in the hypertrophy phase, a gradual progression in both resistance within your strength training and cardiovascular output withing your conditioning component is on the menu. 

  3. Peak Phase (weeks 11-15) - Cardiovascular Endurance and Maximal Strength. It’s time to break new ground! With the guidance of the coaches and your training data captured withing the app we are able to safely progress you toward your potential strength and fitness goals.

  4. Finals Week (Week 16) - Challenge/Competition Week. Finals week is a celebration of the commitment our members have shown to themselves and Team Momentum over the Season. Finals week is a time to “check in” and test your strength through 1RM’s and/or complete a conditioning challenge to explore your new found fitness potential. Finals week also incorporates a social event with the Momentum Community (Saturday of week 16). 

Session Description


The intention of this session is a GRADUAL progression into endurance training – both muscular (high rep strength training) and cardiovascular (low heart rate conditioning). Expect a workout that will challenge you with traditional strength and conditioning movements that will have the heart rate steady but manageable while you adapt and BUILD your work capacity.


This is your chance to crank up the intensity and rip into to some short sharp efforts – stimulate your fight or flight response – rev your engine! Don’t worry, this high intensity will be followed by adequate rest to ensure you recover well while we progressively build your endurance. Expect to put your calorie burn into overdrive while completing fun goal orientated team workouts and personal challenges. Let the shred begin. 


AT At the culmination of each Training Season we will checking in on your progress, test your 1RM’s, and complete conditioning challenges including our Everest Workout, plus enjoy a social event with the Momentum Community at the end of each Training Season.


SEASON 1 - 16 Weeks


Purpose: Adaption to lifting, prepare your body for the rigours of real life strength and conditioning. Picking up the kids, pushing a wheelbarrow or carrying the groceries require a different kind of strength. Welcome to Summer Fit Season.


SEASON 2 - 16 Weeks


Purpose: Create Freedom Of Movement. Resolve barriers to movement such as mobility, stability, asymmetry and pain by addressing and correcting these dysfunctions - prepare to be strong, balanced and pain free.

Get STRONG! If you are keen to master the major lifts or take your current lifting PB’s to the next level - welcome to Strong Season. We will teach you how to lift correctly, avoid injury and structure your programming to achieve optimal results in movement mechanics, lean muscle creation and total body strength.

SEASON 3 - 16 Weeks


Purpose: Increase fitness and shred that unwanted body fat. We take scientific approach to develop a 16wk training phase that has our team focused on simple goal orientated fitness outcomes to achieve STEADY progressions week to week. By the time summer holidays roll around you will be fit as a fiddle and leaner than ever.